Inventory #ME08-6196


Printable Version Inquire About #ME08-6196

A late 18th cen­tu­ry silk embroi­dered pan­el on a green cot­ton ground called a kaitag” from Dagh­es­tan, used for rit­u­al pur­pos­es asso­ci­at­ed with births, mar­riages and deaths; cra­dle wraps as well as dowry cov­ers. Cen­tral motif is blue and red. The peo­ple are mult-eth­nic and their embroi­dery uses sym­bol­ism that draws on Zoroas­tri­an, Mus­lim, Chris­t­ian, and pagan sym­bols. Dagh­es­tan is in a remote area of the Cau­ca­sus Mountains.




46" high x 30" wide

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